Forging Ahead #FoodIntelligence and @BeefInitiative

It is happening; we are moving ahead. Listen up and tune in!

As we forge ahead, we begin to see a new path forming. I began writing about the Harvest of Deception earlier in 2021, and we have made some incredible strides.

I first started by bringing some food intelligence and searched for ways we could get back to the “Source of the Seed.” In the beginning, it was getting to the source of the corruption pertaining to the industrial food complex and its tight grip over the nutrition of our nation and especially our children.

Many months later, I am sitting here on a Sunday afternoon with my team as we put the finishing touches on the Beef Initiative platform.

We have come a long way and things are looking bright.

I see a chance at some preservation that is going to require perseverance from all of us. We are in a time of atonement and we are realizing some realities were not what we thought they were at first glance.

That is ok, we are here now and we are taking shape. This journey began with just a few people hearing me, now we have 10’s of thousands of people tuned in and they are hearing us. We are the new “rule of law” when it comes to Food Intelligence. You know this you are here. I applaud you and I say “Thank You!”

Check out our mention on Joe Rogan with Adam Curry. Food Intelligence, TxSlim, and Beef Initiative are mentioned in the first 15 minutes. People are hearing us, they are catching on. 

People are discovering and they are hearing a message. That message is, you need to bring some food intelligence into your life and you need to begin to educate your children on what food really is and where it comes from. In our history, there has not been a more vital time for awareness and focus when it comes to our nutrition. Our lives depend on it. Our nation is metabolically bankrupt and our children are unhealthy as ever. 


I am dedicated to saving children's lives and I am recruiting each one of you and everyone you know to get some newfound strength and to put your damn foot down. 

This is criminal. If you do not think so then I recommend you read our newsletter from the very beginning. 

The here and now.

The Beef Initiative - is launching. 

The formal announcement comes out this week; keep your ear to the ground! Our signal is loud and will be heard.

We are bringing beef, bitcoin, intelligence, ranchers, access, sources, producers, processors, education, communication, input opportunities, an ear, and a voice.

Care to come along?

I am proud of what we have done up to this point. I am proud of the team I am putting together. I am extremely thankful for everyone that has reached out. 

The Beef Initiative is going to be a group effort, we are on the mountain top and we are asking for your help. Please hear our voice. It has the tone of love, grace, and peace. It carries a sense of strength that you might not be familiar with. It comes with a West Texas Grit that I am about to expose. 

I am a poor boy from a small Texas town located on the Llano Estacado. We fought hard to get here and we learned how to fight from the Commanche Indians. The Texas Ranchers found out that the only way they were going to be to defeat the Commanches was to learn how to fight like a Commanche.

I am a good storyteller and I intend to tell a story that history is going to be proud of. 

I feel pretty strong right now my health is excellent, I am eating tons of beef, my spirit is untouchable. You can expect a pretty good fight.

Let’s have some fun.

Texas Slim’s Vision podcast is in good shape. We have some extremely based and solid guests heading your way. Tune in to our latest.

Colorado cattle rancher Jason Wrich. This gentleman has some got some information you need to be hearing.
