The Beef Initiative

My Lifestyle is Texas Mindful

As most of you know by now, I am a very proud Texan. I am not ashamed of it nor will I apologize for it. The pride that I  share and communicate comes from a deep sense of humility, it comes from purity of heart.

My Mindset is My Lifestyle

My travels have led me all over the United States and around the world, from Mexico to South America, over to the Caribbean, and across the pond to Europe, scooting around Asia to actually being a guy who can say he has taken a piss on 5 Continents. Now, I know there are people out there that have traveled more than I have, who have seen more places than I. I do not brag about my travels, I am honored and thankful that I have been able to see the world in the way I have. It has made me into a better person.

Let’s dive into the mindset. Each day I wake up, I check myself, I look into my accountability mirror and I have a conversation with myself. I ask honest questions and I answer them in a truthful way that only I can understand.

Am I honoring my mind, body, and spirit? Did I falter yesterday, did I excel? What is going to be the challenge and victory today? How am I going to choose to be empowered? 

We are all victims of negative self-talk and a sense of fear and living in the wreckage of the future. We project bullshit into our minds that are actually lies and are programmed by the content we allow into our lives.

Several years ago, I decided to separate myself from all of the above. I created a new mindset, I created a new lifestyle, I created a top-shelf form of living that, to be honest, is priceless.

Guess, what? I am a badass, I am solid, I am based. I am humble, I am not fragile, I am everything that God has intended me to be. Well, close, I am still striving each day. (Said with a laugh).

I’m always your biggest champion of yourself. If you get to know me you start understanding that I am actually a reflection of a part of you that you don’t quite see yet. You are either going to love me or be very suspicious of me. This is usually dependent on how you think of yourself quite honestly.

It is a form of behavioral analysis I was able to pick up when I was younger. 

When I first moved to Austin as a 19-20yr old, I was dirt poor. I had $150 in my pocket, a nightstand, a lamp, and one trash bag full of clothes. I had one CD in my stereo and it was Lynard Skynard - Free Bird. By the time I got to Austin, I had $125 after gas and beer for the 500-mile road trip.

I knew one person in Austin. I drove straight to 6th street. We met up and I was able to land a job in a restaurant/bar that had live music 7 nights a week. It was a cajun seafood joint and it played live Jazz, Blues, and Texas Country.

This will be part of another story that I will share later on down the line. The point of me telling you this, I was dirt poor. I had nothing. I had my spirit, creative mind, and a feeling of adventure.

My first apartment in Austin was located in the West Campus area. I paid $150 for a small bedroom. Me and 2 other guys lived at a place where everyone was UT students. I was the only one who wasn’t going to school. I couldn’t afford it, I was surrounded by people who were getting a quality education, they were going to be Lawyers, International Businessmen, Doctors, Computer scientists, Artist, Writers. It was a very diverse community I was surrounded by. I was a poor boy from a small Texas town. I was just an uneducated, poor, bartender. BULLSHIT. 

In those times,  you could walk around campus, you could pretty much go anywhere and walk into any class. Professors didn’t mind you sitting in on a class, you could make up a story, I was Kathleen’s, cousin from Ireland, I was a transfer student looking for a better solution, I was a trust fund baby and I wanted to learn more about the type of professor the University employed. That one usually made the professor try a little harder and you could always see their false ego present itself. Those tenured types are a funny bunch.

I was a 20yr old University of Texas student that paid no tuition, I bartended and partied at night and was a striving modern-day philosopher during the day. If I did not want to go to class I didn’t, I never took one test, I didn’t have to turn in any papers. I was a mindful tourist who was young and I wanted to learn more and I turned my lifestyle into a mindset that was mixed with adventure, an outlaw spirit, and a quest to understand and learn more. I am a highly uneducated/educated man of agency. I began to understand behavioral analysis. I was able to separate myself and my mindset from the fears of test-taking, passing classes or hoping to please my parents or the institution that was judging trying to judge me. I was no one but I was everything. I was a spirit no one could touch.

Looking back, I was able to truly focus on what I was interested in and I was able to truly appreciate knowledge and wisdom more than most of everyone around me. There was no pressure, it was a sense of clarity that I felt that, to me, became my superpower. One of them at least. It is amazing how that sense of clarity forged a path that I have been able to experience and coordinate in this life. 

My lifestyle is my mindset, my mindset is my lifestyle.

Dropping the Stimulus-Response

In our society, we need to understand what that means. I am responding to forms of stimuli that are not healthy for us. From social media and MSM content to governmental influence and control and our food supply which we are all beginning to understand, is trying to make you less than you are. 

How do we do this?

I have been able to access the “Source of the Seed” of the purity in my heart and of who I truly am, I have gone on an adventure to look deep into my spirit.

I no longer allow the destruction of the fiat mindset anywhere close to the portal of purity that I have found in my TRUE self. The universe that is priceless is the universe that lies deep inside each and every one of us.

“We are all born geniuses and conditioned to die idiots” - Texas Slim

It is past time for all of us to accept, cherish and defend this very fact of our existence and of our current situation.

It will require some reflection, it will require some acceptance of who we are as individuals, it will require a sense of agency and integrity. We have to become impeccable with our words and our actions.

We can create a lifestyle that is more of a state of mind than it is of a material, rent-seeking life that cucks to a system that is methodically and strategically trying to make our lives a sense of dependency, addiction, and a slow death based on a false of sense of our true selves.

I am the brand

What does this mean? I came up with that term a couple of years ago when I was noticing the fiat mindset that was running rimshot in our society. All I was seeing was people willingly and intentionally wearing other people’s names, slogans, and brands on their selves and consuming another person’s ideas and lifestyles. It began to disgust me, so I made a promise to myself that I would be my own brand. It was a mindset that I created and it was a train of thought that led to a new discipline. It made me start re-focusing inward instead of outward into this crazy world.

I became my own prescription for life. I refused to take anyone else’s prescription. I am ok with sharing knowledge and being advised. I have a quest for understanding and including other people’s ideas and expertise in my life. I leverage it, I respect it, I don’t wipe my fiat ass with it.

Most of society is living in a state of quiet desperation

It’s a FACT!

At this time in our existence, we have lost focus. We have lost confidence in mainstream society.

We are living in very difficult times or are we?

There are not too many avenues left to pursue for many, to have complete success in life, and to forge their own path. I believe these facts have led most of us to Bitcoin.

Our new lifestyle is going to require a new strategy and it starts with shutting out the mainstream world.

Currently, there is a movement to steal your voice, your confidence, and your chance of true sovereignty.

Wake up!

Very few people are willingly and intentionally talking about this.

People are living a life of quiet desperation.

Many people are living with deep-seated anger and resentment because they have these lives that are deeply unsatisfying.

Most of us are working all the time and are extremely unsatisfied with our daily life and it is actually very painful.

It is soul-killing.

People feel betrayed, they feel lost at times and they do not understand how to get on track. Their talents and ideas are being wasted because they have become someone else’s machine.

They are stuck in traffic all day, then stuck in a cubicle or some mindless job.

They actually relish the time to actually take a shit in the bathroom just to escape to look at their phone and get a dopamine rush by some stupid social media app.

That is literally the highlight of their day. They are roaming around like lost sheep waiting for their shepherd to come herd them into their next box.

They get in traffic on their way home, they get home and they waste their night streaming Netflix or, once again, getting dopamine fixes off of social media and empty content videos.

It is time to become your own brand. It is time to become your own mindset. It is time to create your own lifestyle. Your mindset is your lifestyle, your lifestyle is your mindset.

It is ok to begin creating and start building. Screw the naysayers. Screw your friends who try to talk you out of bettering yourself. Create your vision, create your destination and keep building.

You don’t have to give your time away by taking someone else’s prescription in life. When you are taking someone else’s prescription and you think you are going to have success. You are wrong.

You have already failed. I have seen it so many times. People will do all the right things, get all the right education, dress the right way, listen to what society tells them to do. In the end, they live a life of debt and become even more miserable, and in the end, the prescription they took only made them more ill. They become lost.


Because in the mind they don’t see the path to true sovereignty. They do not know the recipe to be their true self.

There are many people out there in this world who would rather do something else in life. You need to understand that you can. It is possible. Quit lying to yourself.

People are trapped in these situations, one of the problems is that you feel like this is your future, you feel trapped and there is no hope, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

And, if you feel like that alone, it can be incredibly defining and limiting. But, (pay attention here) if you can look at yourself objectively and actually be honest with yourself. “I’m in credit card debt, I’m working in a shitty job, I don’t like what I am doing, but I have some ideas. I need to feed those ideas, I need to nurture those ideas and set a certain amount of time every day to try to make something happen each and every day.” Quit being a fool and build some character and show as much discipline to this as you do when you stream Netflix or watch random and mindless video streams.

It doesn’t have to be much, just one step at a time will start building some momentum. This momentum will start building a newfound sense of confidence. It is a fact, it is a sense of empowerment. It is a proven chemical reaction that is healthy and begins to form a newfound sense of clarity.

Everyone has a different personality, different interests, different things they would be really satisfied in doing.

This is NOT encouraged in society. The guilt trips and mental psyops are daunting.

What’s encouraged is go find a job, go find a place you can shove yourself into, go find a round hole that you can stick your square peg into, so you can force your way into something you don’t belong to and have no interest in being a part of.

Only because you need a job, you don’t need to listen to yourself. Because you are a debt slave, you have credit cards, you have student loans, that’s what everyone does, that’s what is wrong.

You have an apartment you have to pay for, you have a car payment, you have a girlfriend/boyfriend or a wife/husband you have to feed, you have a child you have to raise. You have your mortgage, you have your this, you have your that.

The opportunity usually takes place when you are young and you have zero responsibility. Your opportunities become more and more scarce the more responsibilities you gather. It is time that you understand this and that it hits home.

At this time we need one thing, a sovereign mindset that becomes our lifestyle. I am the best and most priceless brand I know. You couldn’t convince me to buy any other brand, well except a good pair of boots.

It is about creating a destination. Once you know your destination. The planning and results come easy because, in your mind, you have already arrived.

No one ever talks about this. You have all these fake self-help gurus, larpy crypto, and bitcoiners that sell you some academic solution ($899- IYKYK) that is a big one-size-fits-all scam. They sell in numbers. Quantity is their scale of business. It does not speak to the individual self which is you. 

We all need to come to the realization that some of us screwed up, we got ourselves stuck. So whatever it is you are about to do, you have to do it as your life depended on it. Because guess what frens, it does! You have to be intentional. You can not be random.

Most people do not yet fully understand the importance of NOT being random in life. True focus and agency are a lost cause.

Critical thinking and critical action are lost forms of art. They have become priceless and have created a new form of opportunity that most people do not see. You see it because you are here.

Will you join me on this newfound adventure? I hope you do.

Weekly plugs


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