The Beef Initiative

The Human Heart is the Perpetual Idol Factory

I want to highlight a few things and I ask you to pay attention. I will highlight just a few key initiatives that are taking place and I will be mostly focused on food intelligence. It is very easy to get lost in the overall narrative that is being presented to the world. Mine is pure nutrition delivery to the mind, body, and spirit. It is the source of my seed and I ask that you make it the same for you and your family.

Global Clown Show Halloween 2021

It is Halloween and what better day to kick off the UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland. The United Kingdom acting as president of the conference and presiding there-of.

As president Biden flew across the pond, he had a visit with the Pope this week in Rome. They had to get the signaling started and need to kick off the marketing plan. Biden and the United States required a motorcade of 85 automobiles, trucks, secured limousines, etc. You know the drill. I am not really going to mention the hypocrisy of this dramatic presentation to kick off a climate change conference.

All week, there have been multiple leaked videos of different countries protesting the climate conference and what has taken place. They are protesting the true intention of this conference, it has nothing to do with climate change but in all actuality, it is to design a new Carbon Credit Economy as I pointed out last week.Catch up here.

There will be world leaders of over 197 countries in attendance or will have representation. 
Folks this is the kick-off to the “Global Food Supply Reset.” There are over 100 major global corporations that are on board and have already signed on the dotted line. There are 1000s additional corporations that have to do exactly what they are directed to do. They have no choice but to follow orders. Just like all the “law enforcement” agents across the world that use the excuse, “I am just doing what I am paid to do.”

If you truly think that this is not going to affect you and your family you are wrong. I am here to tell you they are coming after your purity of self and for your access to pure nutrition.
From the GRAS rule of being able to add 1000 more chemicals to our food supply without identifying them. To over 365 million US dollars already spent on the fake meat industry. All four major animal protein processors are on board and moving forward in assisting and engineering in creating this new fake commodity food market.

As the MSM and governments start signaling the need to save the planet you will begin to see the global marketing plan hit the airwaves for the fake commodity market. What you need to put into a deep perspective is that the same corporations, countries, and billionaires that have designed the new food supply reset are the same ones that have destroyed the soil, the purity of the seed, and of the metabolic health of the country and of the world. They have destroyed the value of their fiat dollars and thus they have to keep stacking new supplies, new fake values and new health scares onto the minds of the consumers who keep them powerful and detached from the everyday lives of you and me.

I am ok with you not hearing me or passing me off as some conspiracy dude. I could give two shits about the doubters. I have written over 13 articles and thousands of tweets. They are presented with facts and they are presented with a form of intelligence gathering most people do not have access to. If this information isn’t for you I beg you to dive into everything that is about to happen and please indulge until your heart is content.

You can even get started right here with an episode that 60 minutes did with Bill Gates. You will get caught up and you can join in with their plans.

Very hard-hitting and dramatic. It is 60 Minutes ya know.

Quit disclaimer, Bill Gates and many other billionaires are the biggest investors in the vaccines, fake meat industry among many others.

Back to You and Me

I get what is going on. I don’t want to waste my time every day tracking and identifying all of the bad actors and intentions. I don’t have to be convinced anymore and I don’t have to argue all the distractions.

My grandfather actually told me once as I was sitting next to him on his couch. He would also put his old weathered hand on my knee and say, 

“Slim, there are three things you never discuss with people; politics, money, and religion. Everyone has got an opinion and you’ll never win.”

How true was his wisdom!  

I am here to help out, I am here to provide information and intelligence to a group of people who are interested in what I have to say, we are building some trust and respect for each other. We are getting back to the basics of life and of nutrition among many other things. We are truly getting back to the “Source of the Seed.” 

When I use the term “Source of the Seed” what do I mean? I am talking about finding the source of you and me, our true spirit, and our true strength as truth-seeking people. It is the foundation of our lives and who we are and who we will become. It all starts with the search for the purity of the seed in which feeds us all.

I promised this would be short today. I have much to do and there is a big week ahead. I do a pretty good job of designing my own algorithm in life. I have engineered a type of focus that started early in life. I have used it as a tool and a weapon against those who try to influence me in the wrong way.

I ask that this week you create your own algorithm. Start cutting out the noise and if you have to listen to the noise, dive deeper into the true meaning.

This week’s focus:
-UN Climate Conference
-Carbon Credits
-Carbon Hazard
-Food Supply