“A Very good sign that you've misunderstood the cause of a disorder is your inability to treat or prevent it.” 

Welcome to the:  Medical - Pharmaceutical - Agrigucultural - Complex - #MPAC

This week I am going to highlight some origins. Origins are where everything comes from. Origins give a timeline and a reflection of how we got to where we are now.

I had a discussion this past week with a very close friend that is a master carpenter and we were talking about problem-solving. He brought up the fact that his profession is nothing more than solving a problem.

That hit home with me and the path that I have chosen to pursue. How do we solve the problem of our food supply and the nutrition starvation that has been engineered and is about to go into overdrive?

You find the origin of the problem, the origin of the creation, the origin of the source. That is how you truly solve problems. You don’t put band-aids on it, you don’t cover it up with the rug or hide it in your closet. You get to the source of the issue.

Today we are going to look at several origins. The origins of the cholesterol myth and how it was hijacked and how it teamed up with the fat-free lie that is rampant today and has actually been the biggest corporate deception in my lifetime. 

I am going to loosely transcribe some content out of the Fat Fiction Documentary that everyone should watch and then I will go a little deeper into the overall issue.

Why is there an ever-increasing momentum in obesity and diabetes? It makes you think how has the world failed to eat healthfully by being told the wrong advice since the 1960s. You can not find another policy that has caused as much harm and metabolic failure as the play-on and the manipulation of a low-fat diet that eliminates animal fat out of your diet.

The dietary guidelines that set nutrition standards for every American, for our kids’ food programs, for the poor, and elderly, for our nation's military, for doctors, nutritionists, and dietitians. 

They have led us to here:

Over 73% of Americans are overweight and or obese. 

<Strong> Global Diabetes Community Close to 1 out of 2 Americans are now either Type 2 Diabetic or Pre-Diabetic.

Diabetes in America

How did we get here? What are the origins?

We have had it shoved down our throat, literally, that saturated fat is bad for you and that low-fat diets based on vegetable and seed oils are good for you. This is the lie and it has been able to be perpetuated by the very people and organizations that you rely on and trust for valid and true information when it comes to our health and nutrition. The lie can not be believed anymore because it is killing your body, your mind, and your spirit.

Telling us to make carbohydrates the foundation of our food choices and creating the food pyramid back in 1992 basically put this fat fiction and cholesterol pysop into overdrive.

It was essentially a huge experiment on millions of people and it has failed miserably.

Our medical community has become part of the overall issue, and at this time, is just a prescription arm of the pharmaceutical industry that gets fined billions of dollars based on false marketing and faulty medicines that in the end kill people. The medical industry is not the solution. Understanding your nutrition and where it is coming from is the only way you will be able to avoid the deception that is occurring. 

Example of the corruption

I am not much of a stats guy and I won’t go into much more detail here. The low-fat and cholesterol lie all started happening around the same time, and it had the industrial food complex, pharmaceutical, and medical industries all team up together to create the food supply in which we consume each day.

I had a connection send me an article this past week about when the agricultural industry truly changed in the United States. It was around 1971 and if you are not familiar with what happened in 1971 take a look here.

WTF Happened In 1971

<br At the end of the highlighted portion of the above image, you see the name, Earl Butz.

Butz was Assistant Secretary of Agriculture in Washington, DC, from 1954 to 1957 under President Dwight Eisenhower. In 1971, President Richard Nixon appointed Butz as Secretary of Agriculture,[4] a position in which he continued to serve after Nixon resigned in 1974 as the result of the Watergate scandal. He was Secretary of Agriculture from 1971 to 1976 under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. In his time heading the USDA, Butz drastically changed federal agricultural policy and re-engineered many New Deal-era farm support programs.

For example, he abolished a program that paid corn farmers to not plant all their land. (See Henry Wallace's "Ever-Normal Granary".) This program had unsuccessfully attempted to prevent a national oversupply of corn and low corn prices. His mantra to farmers was "get big or get out," and he urged farmers to plant commodity crops such as corn "from fencerow to fencerow." These policy shifts coincided with the rise of major agribusiness corporations, and the declining financial stability of the small family farm.

Butz took over the Department of Agriculture during the most recent period in American history that food prices climbed high enough to generate political heat. In 1972, the Soviet Union, suffering disastrous harvests, purchased 30 million tons of American grain. Butz had helped to arrange that sale in the hope of giving a boost to crop prices to bring restive farmers tempted to vote for George McGovern into the Republican fold.[10]

He was featured in the documentary <Strong>King Corn, recognized as the person who started the rise of corn production, large commercial farms, and the abundance of corn in American diets. In King Corn, Butz argued that the corn subsidy had dramatically reduced the cost of food for all Americans by improving the efficiency of farming techniques. By artificially increasing demand for food, food production became more efficient and drove down the cost of food for everyone.

In my opinion, this was around the time that we lost our grip on being able to have control over our nutrition and when we were at the crossroads of what real and pure food is. It has taken us down a path of metabolic failure in so many different ways that now obesity is the health standard and it is praised and marketed as the new lifestyle. 

High-Time Preference, Low-Value Living.

At this time our government, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical communities merged and created #MPAC. This is the origin of the metabolic failure and health epidemic we are facing right now. From destroyed immune systems to heart disease and diabetes. It is a global industry that has made you the product and in the end the industrial recycling bin of the commodity waste that gets engineered in the lab and then produced and processed by each arm of the One World Food Group. 

This will take you to a report and explain how MPAC plans on turning your nutrition into nothing more than a global commodity that will be fit for every human on the planet and it will be done with slogans as “Feed The World” “Fight Climate Change” so on and so on. This is played out, but people still listen and they still pay attention to the deceptive marketing practices that drive their decision-making.

How you become the recycling bin

When you look at the above chart you are able to identify every step of our food industry and how much separation has been created from the seed to your body. People truly do not understand how extremely important it is to not have this much separation from the earth which helps nurture and grow the very nutrition that allows us to have strength and power and wholesome intelligence. In the past “Farm To Table” was extremely important and very common. Throughout the history of our nation, we were close to our food. If we were not growing and raising our nutrition we had a local community that provided most everyone in that community their food. Now parts of your diet come across the ocean or are genetically engineered in the lab, then grown in a mega crop then put back into the lab, processed, packaged, and marketed in a way that gives you a rush of dopamine when you buy it and a rush of dopamine when you take a bite out of it. Every part of your consumption is engineered to create the hamster wheel of deception and addiction to false commodities your daily habit, every minute and every hour of the day.

When did we get scared about health?

In 1955 Dwight D. Eisenhower the 34th president of the United States had a heart attack while playing golf in Colorado. Up to this time heart attacks were rare and you really didn’t hear much about them in society. 

This scared the crap out of Americans and the MSM of the time jumped on the narrative and so did the institutional medical and academic communities. We started studying the heart and wanted to know why our Commander and Chief, who looked healthy and had helped us win WW2 had a bad heart. 

Up to the early 1960s half of our diet was from animal fats. We ate bacon and eggs for breakfast, we consumed butter every day, we incorporated beef and animal protein into every meal with very little processed carbohydrates. 

After Eisenhower’s heart attack several groups gained popularity and new industries begin to take shape. One was the American Heart Association.

Before the 1960s the AMA could barely survive. Awareness and attention went into overdrive. From pollution to vitamin deficiencies, to cholesterol. Each of these narratives gained attention and the AMA, of course, helped outline these narratives.

One thing that they did not do in the 1950s was focus on smoking cigarettes. Believe it or not, this was left out of the heart disease narrative. Eisenhower himself smoked 4 packs of cigarettes a day.

The tobacco industry was extremely powerful in those days and they definitely had a lot of control and had the money and the power to steer the narrative away from cigarettes and heart disease.

Insert Ancel Benjamin Keys he was an American physiologist who studied the influence of diet on health. In particular, he hypothesized that replacing dietary saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat reduces cardiovascular heart disease. Modern dietary recommendations by health organizations, systematic reviews, and national health agencies corroborate this.

His interest in diet and cardiovascular disease (CVD) was prompted, in part, by seemingly counter-intuitive data: American business executives, presumably among the best-fed people, had high rates of heart disease, while in post-war Europe CVD rates had decreased sharply in the wake of reduced food supplies. Keys postulated a correlation between cholesterol levels and CVD and initiated a study of Minnesota businessmen (the first prospective study of CVD). At a 1955 expert meeting at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Keys presented his diet-lipid-heart disease hypothesis with "his usual confidence and bluntness". As part of his argument, he presented a correlation between deaths from heart disease and the percentage of fat in the diet that featured six countries. His rationale and conclusions were heavily critiqued by two other epidemiologists.

In the end, Mr. Keys did many experiments, had several hypotheses, and wielded a lot of influence both within our government and the agricultural and medical communities.

One of his studies Minnesota Coronary Experiment 

This study 40 years ago could have reshaped the American diet. But it was never fully published.

In 1968, about ten years after the beginning and two years after the first publication of the results of the Seven Countries Study Ancel Keys and Ivan Frantz initiated a large randomized control trial, replacing saturated fats by food items with naturally high or artificially raised content of linoleic acid in an intervention group.

The randomized and blinded experiment ended in 1973. Results were not published until only much later in form of smaller excerpts as part of conference talks or doctoral theses. The raw data and analysis were discovered in 2013 in the estate of the principal investigator Ivan Frantz.

The study shows no positive effects of the altered dietary intake. Cardiovascular mortality of patients over 65 years of age increased by the replacement of saturated fats.

The 2016 paper "Re-evaluation of the traditional diet-heart hypothesis: analysis of recovered data from Minnesota Coronary Experiment" concludes:

Results   –   The intervention group had a significant reduction in serum cholesterol compared with controls (mean change from baseline −13.8% v −1.0%; P<0.001). Kaplan Meier graphs showed no mortality benefit for the intervention group in the full randomized cohort or for any prespecified subgroup. There was a 22% higher risk of death for each 30 mg reduction in serum cholesterol in covariate-adjusted Cox regression models 95% confidence interval. There was no evidence of benefit in the intervention group for coronary atherosclerosis or myocardial infarcts. A systematic review identified five randomized controlled trials for inclusion. In meta-analyses, these cholesterol-lowering interventions showed no evidence of benefit on mortality from coronary heart disease or all-cause mortality.

Conclusions   –    Available evidence from randomized controlled trials shows that replacement of saturated fat in the diet with linoleic acid effectively lowers serum cholesterol but does not support the hypothesis that this translates to a lower risk of death from coronary heart disease or all causes. 

Findings from the Minnesota Coronary Experiment add to growing evidence that incomplete publication has contributed to the overestimation of the benefits of replacing saturated fat with vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid. If you notice above this study was buried and did not surface until 2016 when his research was found in a basement.

I do not have to elaborate here. It was covered up, the fact that there were no findings that proved saturated fat, ANIMAL PROTEIN, led to heart disease nor was it unhealthy for you. The study did point out that more of the test subjects died earlier when they only consumed a diet of vegetable fats and oils.

Once again - WTFHappened in 1971?


Everything I have just pointed out gives you a better understanding of the Medical - Pharmaceutical - Agricultural - Complex - #MPAC and its origins. It’s power over our daily life and our understanding of nutrition and food as a whole. It shows you the connections and how they are basically one big global corporation that has an agenda and that agenda has nothing to do with your overall health.


It is difficult to imagine an area of scientific research, over the past century, that has been more controversial than the diet-heart health question. Even more unsettling is the fact that the hypotheses presented in scholarly reviews often directly conflict with or reverse prevailing opinions. For example, many brave researchers are fully aware that dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) peroxidatively degrade to highly toxic lipid oxidation products (LOPs) such as chemically-reactive aldehydes when exposed to high-temperature frying, cooking, or processing practices. Currently, many now also accept that LOPs arising therefrom are actually quite dangerous if ingested after the subjection of PUFA-rich frying oils to excessive heating in this manner, or following storage at ambient temperatures for significant periods of time, as is often the case. Moreover, even less-reactive monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) are also susceptible to oxidative damage, especially if present in cooking oils reused for repeated frying episodes, or when subjected to prolonged storage periods, especially in bright light. As a corollary, we also believe that in view of their extreme stability, saturated fatty acids (SFAs) are far less dangerous than PUFAs, if used in this context. Similarly, we now recognize that the cholesterol-heart disease hypothesis was based on data obtained initially on severely flawed experiments. All indications are that ‘pure’, i.e., unoxidized, cholesterol is harmless; indeed, cholesterol is one of the most vital biomolecules present in the human body. 

If you want to dive deeper you can access this paper that covers:

One hundred years of diet-heart research: Good science, junk science and honest mistakes.

You can also check out and see how metabolically healthy you are.

I Fix Hearts I came across Dr. Ovadia (Heart Surgeon) a while back and the way he approaches health and the heart is pioneering our awareness and your approach to health and nutrition.

Moving Forward

This week I have attempted to provide an outline of where our metabolic failure as a society originated from. How we got to where we are. Next week I will begin to outline where we are going. 

How the Harvest of Deception and the Leverage of the Seed will be used to rob you of the nutrition you deserve. I will also begin to outline what technologies, global initiatives, and government practices they will use to make sure you eat exactly what they have engineered. They are currently and will try to destroy the cattle industry as we know it. Each time you purchase one of the One World Food Groups products you are actually engineering your own nutrition starvation. I am the first to admit it is nearly impossible not to buy certain items. I am a perfect example tho of small steps you can take to not be a complete victim.