As we gaze to find out where the source of our true self is, we have to begin to understand the source of the seed first. To obtain the energy required to be ourselves we must always understand motives, initiatives and above all, why do we desire what we desire? Once these questions have been asked and answered we can start understanding what true ownership looks like and what is required to own our core belief system. Until then WE are ALL just feudalistic, digital serfs in a world we do not see clearly.

“To engineer one’s own suffering is to steal the power of suffering engineers unseen.”

~Texas Slim

Each week I have detailed and explained the path that I have followed chasing down the “Harvest of Deception.” This week I will get somewhat technical. This is the last time I will dive this deep. It is not my focus and I have other team members that are moving forward and will be able to take this section of the narrative. I will begin to share their reports as well as they are able to be presented.

My initiative and purpose are to help you understand the source of who you are and how the food cartels are successfully stealing a part of you in ways you do not fully understand.

This article will be a roadmap of links and articles with a little dialogue from me. Please follow the bread crumbs. Please do your own research. Please make your own personal decisions to source the available nutrients that will allow you to be the best you. This is where true sovereignty begins and ends. AND in the end, this will be the foundation needed moving forward.

You have to, at this time, make intentional lifestyle changes and you have to develop a level of #FoodIntelligence that NONE of us thought we needed, nor did we think we would have to develop.

I will also reiterate, if I am not talking to you, or if you don’t believe me then I encourage you to move along. Not saying this with disrespect, but if this doesn’t fit your belief system I assure you there are tons of content and fake food that you can focus on. They have made sure of that. So by all means, get busy.

(How passive-aggressive of me.)

The Great Reset is a Social Carbon Credit Economy!

The great reset is also a food supply reset. The global maneuvering and engineering currently taking place goes far deeper and is far wider than most people understand.

It is something that has been in the works for a while. My recent focus goes back to 2013 when there was a major consolidation of the food industry. Not only in the US but worldwide. It was mostly ignored and it was praised by the investment world and characters as Warren Buffet and others were lauded as being financial geniuses and rent-seekers all over the world worshipped their moves and jumped on board the fake food express.

We are in 2021 and we are moving forward. We are picking up steam and you will be nutritionally starved and you will like it. So make sure your carbon credit playbook is up to date and make sure to order your new carbon credit-credit card. They have joined in and have signed on the dotted line.

The Driving Force

The driving force behind the pandemic and “The Great Reset” is actually the rollout of a CARBON CREDIT ECONOMY, repackaged as “Build Back Better”.

While the media has everyone arguing and worried about the virus, behind the scenes, the members of the WEF and UN have been working hard, behind the scenes, installing their plan for a brand new global economic system. Everyone took their eyes off the ball, and under the cover of Covid, the climate-change architects and profiteers decided to go full steam ahead with their plans for an upgraded, very high-tech, cap-and-trade system. A system that places a cost for every breath you take, every action you perform, every item you purchase, every plan you make. For the rest of your family’s life!

In this system, what you buy, consume, perform, etc., will be decided by your carbon footprint. You’ll be given a maximum allowance of carbon credits on your carbon credit crypto wallet. Each time you perform any action that has a carbon trace, carbon credits will be deducted from your carbon crypto account on the blockchain. What you can buy and do is decided by crypto/blockchain smart contracts, also known as programmable money.

So what does this mean to you?

What do the globalist ruling class have in mind for you?

Under their plan, a UBI (universal basic income) type social and carbon credit blockchain-based system, if you reach your maximum carbon allowance, your account is shut off and you can no longer purchase or do anything. Of course, not unless you’re rich and you “purchase” tokenized carbon credits, either out of your wallet or in planting some trees. If you’re fortunate to plant a tree (which almost no one can do), you will then have to register that tree on a blockchain as an NFT (non-fungible token). Both satellites and drones will attest and authenticate its existence (using GPS and machine learning vision), in order to make sure there is no double-spending (blockchain transaction) on any of those individual trees. All done with AI and blockchain.

Now, if you can’t plant a tree, have no fear! Billionaires around the world such as Bill Gates, Rockefeller, etc., have you covered and have done all the hard work for you. They have either purchased millions of acres of land or placed them in trusts (conservations) so that you can buy their carbon credits, generated by natural breathing trees. And who says money does not grow from trees!

We are talking about global rationing based on your carbon footprint! … forever!

In order for this to work, you will be required to register (passport ID) on the blockchain, and you will then be tracked and traced. You will need to lose your present income, your small brick-and-mortar businesses, be kept in lockdown, forced to connect to the digital supply and commerce chains. Your money will be programmable money (smart contracts). With this new CBDC (central bank digital currency) and other crypto coins with added smart contract layers. The food supply chain will have to collapse and be replaced with one that is more “green”. The products and materials you have been accustomed to will have to be removed and replaced by carbon-friendly products. You’ll be required to “share” more, using blockchain-based NFTs (if you have carbon credits). You’ll be forced by governments, businesses, and other issuers to buy only what they deem is good for you and the earth. Even down to your children’s pocket money. All monitored and rationed programmatically using blockchain, AI, and surveillance.

(#Bitcoin is not part of this. For those who do not understand #Bitcoin is a decentralized network. )

Are you getting the picture yet?

Your benefits payments, insurance, private property purchases, pensions, etc. will all be based on compliance with these new measures. All businesses will be forced to upgrade their ESG score (Environment, Sustainability, Governance) or face the threat of not receiving loans nor future investments. All in accordance with the UN’s SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

Your activities must all be monitored so as to measure and quantify your carbon footprint. You’ll need to become a token on a carbon transaction network, up for trade on a carbon exchange. If you do not comply, you are ostracized and left on your own, disconnected from this new draconian “green” society. These are the plans of the globalist ruling class.

The global carbon exchanges are in place and making billions. The 197 nations have all agreed to it. The infrastructure is all in place. The technology (4th Industrial Revolution) is advanced enough to take place. The billionaires have made their massive land purchases in order to become offset providers. The blockchains are all ready to implement tokenization of carbon units. The satellites are in space are ready to do attestation and authentication, using NFT tech and blockchain. The drones are ready to validate all life activities on earth. The 5G and 6G networks are all in place for high-speed real-time data throughput.

With the UK hosting as president of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021, with an expected 30,000 attendees, you can count on the creation of the social carbon credit system to accelerate at warp speed!

More references and links here to better understand and outline. 

Social Carbon Credit System ~ Bantman Joe

Earlier I wrote about the Global Food Systems Summit that was held in New York at the UN General Assembly after they participated in the Corporate-led Food System Summit the prior week in the same city.

Leverage of the Seed -  Catch up HERE

Taking place in Glasgow October 31st - November 12th is the UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021- Access the conference here.

Most press releases have slowed this past year during the Covid narrative has been moving forward in different ways for each region, state, and country. They have had time to pull the trigger. The shot is about to be heard around the globe and the marching orders have been given. Their boots are on the ground and their initiative is going to end up in your bowl of nutrition and perception.

My Focus of Food Intelligence and Animal Protein

As the UN Food Systems Summit was taking place there were several marketing plans that were simultaneously released to the MSM.

The narrative of fake meat and of vegetable-based protein has been in development for many years now. At this time there are over 300 global corporations that have signed off on merging the climate change narrative and agenda into creating a new psychological signal. Animal protein is killing the planet and YOU are a criminal in facilitating this disaster.

Insert rent-seeking idolatry and Hollywood worship.

As the global marketing campaign picks up speed and the signal grows stronger the partnerships and initiatives of the global corporations that you rely on to source your nutrition have now formed a pact that has global power. This power now has an agenda to eliminate the protein that we have relied on for 1000 yrs of evolution to be decreased and for some to be eliminated altogether. They will use the idealistic narratives of veganism and vegetarianism. They will use the puppets they have been training to be the influencers. The governments and lobbyists are all on board.

Here in the US, we are seeing the beef supply manipulation in real-time. Prices are now 50% more than they were a year ago in some markets. The news and media reports of supply chain issues and processing labor shortages are, of course, the information they are feeding out to the herds. There is no beef shortage, but one will soon be created. All in the name of climate change and saving the planet. Welcome to the Carbon Credit Economy and the Global Food Supply Reset.

Below is an earlier article discussing the beef manipulation that is taking place in the US from both a political standpoint and an industry standpoint.

Political Beef Deception - It will give you a better understanding of how the manipulation and deceptions are played by the lawmakers and by the Global Corporations that provide our nutrition and our animal protein. 

As we have moved forward with the fake commodity market that was engineered after we went off the gold standard in 1971, our health as a nation and as a global society has deteriorated. I have been able to paint a pretty good picture with my earlier articles of the timing and the engineered societal trends, along with, the manipulation of food and nutrition.

Defining Overweight and Obesity

A person whose weight is higher than what is considered as a normal weight adjusted for height is described as being overweight or having obesity.

Fast Facts

According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2013–2014

  • More than 1 in 3 adults were considered to be overweight.

    -More than 2 in 3 adults were considered to be overweight or have obesity.

    -More than 1 in 3 adults were considered to have obesity.

    -About 1 in 13 adults were considered to have extreme obesity.

    -About 1 in 6 children and adolescents ages 2 to 19 were considered to have obesity.

    US Department of Health and Human Services

    I provide this data for several reasons. To present the data and the trends since 2013-2014. We are on a crash course for a food reset, a protein shift that will involve replacing animal protein with another fake commodity protein that has been genetically modified and has created metabolic failure in our nation and world.

    The fake commodity of vegetable oils, soy, and fructose alone are multi-billion dollar industries that have found a way into your bloodstream each day with the full invitation of our desires and dependencies. 

    As designed.

    Once you begin to use your Carbon Credit - Credit Card to purchase your nutrition supply/food - you will be encouraged to purchase these fake meat products and will be penalized for purchasing high-value animal protein. 

    This is just one angle they are coming after your protein, you and I are already living in the past of which they have had planned for a decade. Our distractions and rent-seeking behavior have allowed them to quietly put in place a global plan to deprive us of the purity of our own selves.

    To be clear

    I am not suggesting that the beef and other animal protein industries are going to be eliminated altogether. What I am attempting to communicate is that animal protein will now be the new caviar. Not too many people can afford caviar and within a short period of time, I am not sure of the exact timeline, animal protein will be a designed scarcity. It will be a luxury.

    Guess what? Most people will be ok with this because they live in an idealistic cloud of do-gooding that is the new form of modern-day feudalism. 

    True ownership has been and is being eliminated out of our society and out of most people’s understanding. What is true ownership? We each have to form our own understanding. One thing is clear though. If you are not intentional about creating a new way to mine your protein and if you are not already working on your own citadel of the mind they will gladly take it from here. #FoodIntelligence is required. 

    A look into the intelligence world

    Quick glance:

    A group led by actor Ashton Kutcher will invest in an Israeli maker of lab-grown, 3D-printed meat products, the company announced on Thursday.

MeaTech 3D Ltd. said that the investment team also includes Israel-born talent manager Guy Oseary, who has been involved with Kutcher in numerous start-ups and investment funds. A press release announcing the deal did not disclose details of the investment.

“We are delighted to partner with MeaTech and assist it in its journey to become the market leader in cultured meat production,” Kutcher was quoted as saying. “We are excited about MeaTech’s innovative technologies, which we believe position MeaTech to be the leader in industrial-scale production of cultured meat, a key for a more sustainable and clean meat production.”

Israel is behind a lot of the “Impact Economy” and forced cultural change. 

The list of Israeli food companies that have been created and that have an influence on the global food market is too many to list at this time. 

One thing is for sure, they are innovative and they have power. Israel has created companies such as NSO. NSO is basically a privately held spy company that is behind the projects such as pegasus and several other surveillance initiatives that have transpired the last several years.

According to several reports, software created by NSO Group was used in targeted attacks against human rights activists and journalists in various countries,[10][11][12] was used in state espionage against Pakistan,[13] and played a role in the murder of Saudi dissident Jamal Kashoggi by agents of the Saudi government.[14] In October 2019, instant messaging company WhatsApp and its parent company Facebook sued NSO and Q Cyber Technologies under the US Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). NSO claims that it provides authorized governments with technology that helps them combat terror and crime.[15][8]

The Pegasus spyware is classified as a weapon by Israel and any export of the technology must be approved by the government.[16]

Annual revenues were around US$40 million in 2013 and $150 million in 2015.[3][17] In June 2017, the company was put up for sale for $1 billion by Francisco Partners.[6] Founders Lavie and Hulio, partnering with European private equity fund Novalpina Capital, purchased a majority stake in NSO in February 2019.[18]

Our food supply has become a form of leverage that can and will be used against us as consumers. The motivation is not to keep you healthy but is to keep you dependent and to keep you surveilled and obedient to the One World Food Group and especially to the Medical - Pharmaceutical - Agricultural - Complex. If you are able to track and control the amount of nutrition a society consumes overall you create a data asset class that becomes the hedge fund of the future. 

What I choose to focus on

By now most of you know a little about me and where I come from. There is a list of people and plebs that are creating initiatives and who are working hard to create a new narrative moving forward.

My #1 focus is going to be this. Create a shorter path of protein and nutrition to my brain. I am going to engineer a way to leverage my local surroundings and give me a chance to defend my sovereignty and my traditional heritage as a Texan.

I have given a pretty good outline this past month of what is going on and how they plan to move forward. As I stated earlier. I encourage you to start doing your own research and begin to mine your own protein in a different way.

If you haven’t yet checked out the #TxBeefInitiative please do so now.

If you want to dive into a new Mindset of Lifestyle do so now.

If you want a glimpse at some Intelligence of the Impact Economy do so now.

If you want to hear some great podcasts do so here and here now. Thanks, Princey 

I have a new pleb partner and I will be including her in my articles and several upcoming podcasts. Follow Lili now.

I have a ton of people who I will be thinking soon for helping me get out the message.

As far as you know, my intelligence gathering is over - you can believe that or not. IYKYK

I’m just a poor boy from a small Texas town and most people, well I already got them figured out.

I love all you guys and thanks for your support. Come along for the ride or don’t and keep indulging in the corporate death that many choose to worship. 

“To view from inside the purity of the original seed is to see the reflection of your true self.” Texas Slim